
This is the playbook for engineering-playbook

Performance Test Iteration Template

This document provides template for capturing results of performance tests. Performance tests are done in iterations and each iteration should have a clear goal. The results of any iteration is immutable regardless whether the goal was achieved or not. If the iteration failed or the goal is not achieved then a new iteration of testing is carried out with appropriate fixes. It is recommended to keep track of the recorded iterations to maintain a timeline of how system evolved and which changes affected the performance in what way. Feel free to modify this template as needed.

Iteration Template


Mention in bullet points the goal for this iteration of test. The goal should be small and measurable within this iteration.

Test Details

Record different types of configurations. Usually application specific configuration changes between iterations whereas system or infrastructure configurations rarely change

Work Items

List of links to relevant work items (task, story, bug) being tested in this iteration.


In bullet points document the results from the test.  
- Attach any documents supporting the test results.
- Add links to the dashboard for metrics and logs such as Application Insights.
- Capture screenshots for metrics and include it in the results. Good candidate for this is CPU/Memory/Disk usage.


Observations are insights derived from test results. Keep the observations brief and as bullet points. Mention outcomes supporting the goal of the iteration. If any of the observation results in a work item (task, story, bug) then add the link to the work item together with the observation.