
This is the playbook for engineering-playbook

Using Azurite to Run Blob Storage Tests in a Pipeline

This document determines the approach for writing automated tests with a short feedback loop (i.e. unit tests) against security considerations (private endpoints) for the Azure Blob Storage functionality.

Once private endpoints are enabled for the Azure Storage accounts, the current tests will fail when executed locally or as part of a pipeline because this connection will be blocked.

Utilize an Azure Storage emulator - Azurite

To emulate a local Azure Blob Storage, we can use Azure Storage Emulator. The Storage Emulator currently runs only on Windows. If you need a Storage Emulator for Linux, one option is the community maintained, open-source Storage Emulator Azurite.

The Azure Storage Emulator is no longer being actively developed. Azurite is the Storage Emulator platform going forward. Azurite supersedes the Azure Storage Emulator. Azurite will continue to be updated to support the latest versions of Azure Storage APIs. For more information, see Use the Azurite emulator for local Azure Storage development.

Some differences in functionality exist between the Storage Emulator and Azure storage services. For more information about these differences, see the Differences between the Storage Emulator and Azure Storage.

There are several ways to install and run Azurite on your local system as listed here. In this document we will cover Install and run Azurite using NPM and Install and run the Azurite Docker image.

1. Install and run Azurite

a. Using NPM

In order to run Azurite V3 you need Node.js >= 8.0 installed on your system. Azurite works cross-platform on Windows, Linux, and OS X.

After the Node.js installation, you can install Azurite simply with npm which is the Node.js package management tool included with every Node.js installation.

# Install Azurite
npm install -g azurite

# Create azurite directory
mkdir c:/azurite

# Launch Azurite for Windows
azurite --silent --location c:\azurite --debug c:\azurite\debug.log

If you want to avoid any disk persistence and destroy the test data when the Azurite process terminates, you can pass the --inMemoryPersistence option, as of Azurite 3.28.0.

The output will be:

Azurite Blob service is starting at
Azurite Blob service is successfully listening at
Azurite Queue service is starting at
Azurite Queue service is successfully listening at

b. Using a docker image

Another way to run Azurite is using docker, using default HTTP endpoint

docker run -p 10000:10000 azurite-blob --blobHost

Docker Compose is another option and can run the same docker image using the docker-compose.yml file below.

version: '3.4'
    hostname: azurite
      - ./cert/azurite:/data
    command: "azurite-blob --blobHost -l /data --cert /data/ --key /data/ --oauth basic"
      - "10000:10000"
      - "10001:10001"

2. Run tests on your local machine

Python 3.8.7 is used for this, but it should be fine on other 3.x versions as well.

  1. Install and run Azurite for local tests:

    Option 1: using npm:

    # Install Azurite
    npm install -g azurite
    # Create azurite directory
    mkdir c:/azurite
    # Launch Azurite for Windows
    azurite --silent --location c:\azurite --debug c:\azurite\debug.log

    Option 2: using docker

    docker run -p 10000:10000 azurite-blob --blobHost
  2. In Azure Storage Explorer, select Attach to a local emulator

    connect blob

  3. Provide a Display name and port number, then your connection will be ready, and you can use Storage Explorer to manage your local blob storage.

    attach to local

    To test and see how these endpoints are running you can attach your local blob storage to the Azure Storage Explorer.

  4. Create a virtual python environment python -m venv .venv

  5. Container name and initialize env variables: Use for test integration.

    from import BlobServiceClient
    import os
    def pytest_generate_tests(metafunc):
       os.environ['STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING'] = 'DefaultEndpointsProtocol=http;AccountName=devstoreaccount1;AccountKey=Eby8vdM02xNOcqFlqUwJPLlmEtlCDXJ1OUzFT50uSRZ6IFsuFq2UVErCz4I6tq/K1SZFPTOtr/KBHBeksoGMGw==;BlobEndpoint=;'
       os.environ['STORAGE_CONTAINER'] = 'test-container'
       # Crete container for Azurite for the first run
       blob_service_client = BlobServiceClient.from_connection_string(os.environ.get("STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING"))
       except Exception as e:

    *Note: value for STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING is default value for Azurite, it’s not a private key

  6. Install the dependencies

    pip install -r requirements_tests.txt

  7. Run tests:

    python -m pytest ./tests

After running tests, you can see the files in your local blob storage

https local blob

3. Run tests on Azure Pipelines

After running tests locally we need to make sure these tests pass on Azure Pipelines too. We have 2 options here, we can use docker image as hosted agent on Azure or install an npm package in the Pipeline steps.

- master

- task: UsePythonVersion@0
  displayName: 'Use Python 3.7'
    versionSpec: 3.7

- bash: |
    pip install -r requirements_tests.txt
  displayName: 'Setup requirements for tests'
- bash: |
    sudo npm install -g azurite
    sudo mkdir azurite
    sudo azurite --silent --location azurite --debug azurite\debug.log &
  displayName: 'Install and Run Azurite'

- bash: |
    python -m pytest --junit-xml=unit_tests_report.xml --cov=tests --cov-report=html --cov-report=xml ./tests
  displayName: 'Run Tests'

- task: PublishCodeCoverageResults@1
    codeCoverageTool: Cobertura
    summaryFileLocation: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/**/coverage.xml'
    reportDirectory: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/**/htmlcov'

- task: PublishTestResults@2
    testResultsFormat: 'JUnit'
    testResultsFiles: '**/*_tests_report.xml'
    failTaskOnFailedTests: true

Once we set up our pipeline in Azure Pipelines, result will be like below

azure pipelines