
This is the playbook for engineering-playbook

Inclusion in Code Review

Below are some points which emphasize why inclusivity in code reviews is important:

Types and Examples of Non-Inclusive Code Review Behavior

Examples of Inclusive Code Reviews

Guidelines for the Author

Guidelines for the Reviewer

Culture and Code Reviews

We in ISE, may come across situations in which code reviews are not ideal and often we are observing non inclusive code review behaviors. Its important to be aware of the fact that culture and communication style of a particular geography also influences how people interact over pull requests. In such cases, assuming positive intent of the author and reviewer is a good start to start analyzing quality of code reviews.

Dealing with the Impostor Phenomenon

Impostor phenomenon is a psychological pattern in which an individual doubts their skills, talents, or accomplishments and has a persistent internalized fear of being exposed as a “fraud” - Wikipedia.

Someone experiencing impostor phenomenon may find submitting code for a review particularly stressful. It is important to realize that everybody can have meaningful contributions and not to let the perceived weaknesses prevent contributions.

Some tips for overcoming the impostor phenomenon for authors:

Some tips for overcoming the impostor phenomenon for reviewers:


Below are some tools which may help in establishing inclusive code review culture within our teams.