
This is the playbook for engineering-playbook

Design Decision Log

Not all requirements can be captured in the beginning of an agile project during one or more design sessions. The initial architecture design can evolve or change during the project, especially if there are multiple possible technology choices that can be made. Tracking these changes within a large document is in most cases not ideal, as one can lose oversight over the design changes made at which point in time. Having to scan through a large document to find a specific content takes time, and in many cases the consequences of a decision is not documented.

Why is it important to track design decisions

Tracking an architecture design decision can have many advantages:

In addition to incorporating a design decision as an update of the overall design documentation of the project, the decisions could be tracked as Architecture Decision Records as Michael Nygard proposed in his blog.

The effort invested in design reviews and discussions can be different throughout the course of a project. Sometimes decisions are made quickly without having to go into a detailed comparison of competing technologies. In some cases, it is necessary to have a more elaborate study of advantages and disadvantages, as is described in the documentation of Trade Studies. In other cases, it can be helpful to conduct Engineering Feasibility Spikes. An ADR can incorporate each of these different approaches.

Architecture Decision Record (ADR)

An architecture decision record has the structure

Where to store ADRs

ADRs can be stored and tracked in any version control system such as git. As a recommended practice, ADRs can be added as pull request in the proposed status to be discussed by the team until it is updated to accepted to be merged with the main branch. They are usually stored in a folder structure doc/adr or doc/arch. Additionally, it can be useful to track ADRs in a to provide useful metadata in an obvious format.

Decision Logs

A decision log is a Markdown file containing a table which provides executive summaries of the decisions contained in ADRs, as well as some other metadata. You can see a template table at doc/

When to track ADRs

Architecture design decisions are usually tracked whenever significant decisions are made that affect the structure and characteristics of the solution or framework we are building. ADRs can also be used to document results of spikes when evaluating different technology choices.

Examples of ADRs

The first ADR could be the decision to use ADRs to track design decisions,

followed by actual decisions in the engagement as in the example used above,