
This is the playbook for engineering-playbook

Your Milestone/Epic Design Title Here (prefix with DRAFT/WIP to indicate level of completeness)

Please refer to for things to keep in mind when using this template.

Overview / Problem Statement

Describe the milestone/epic with a high-level summary and a problem statement. Consider including or linking to any additional background (e.g. Game Plan or Checkpoint docs) if it is useful for historical context.

Goals / In-Scope

List a few bullet points of goals that this milestone/epic will achieve and that are most relevant for the design review discussion. You may include acceptable criteria required to meet the Definition of Done.

Non-goals / Out-of-Scope

List a few bullet points of non-goals to clarify the work that is beyond the scope of the design review for this milestone/epic.

Proposed Design / Suggested Approach

To optimize the time investment, this should be brief since it is likely that details will change as the epic/milestone is further decomposed into features and stories. The goal being to convey the vision and complexity in something that can be understood in a few minutes and can help guide a discussion (either asynchronously via comments or in a meeting).

Pros Cons
Simple to implement Creates secondary identity system
Repeatable pattern/code artifact Deployment requires admin credentials


Briefly list the languages(s) and platform(s) that comprise the stack. This may include anything that is needed to understand the overall solution: OS, web server, presentation layer, persistence layer, caching, eventing, etc.

Non-Functional Requirements



Risks & Mitigations

Open Questions

Include any open questions and concerns.

Additional References

Include any additional references including links to work items or other documents.