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TPM considerations for Machine Learning projects

In this document, we explore some of the Program Management considerations for Machine Learning (ML) projects and suggest recommendations for Technical Program Managers (TPM) to effectively work with Data and Applied Machine Learning engineering teams.

Determine the need for Machine Learning in the project

In Artificial Intelligence (AI) projects, the ML component is generally a part of an overall business problem and NOT the problem itself. Determine the overall business problem first and then evaluate if ML can help address a part of the problem space. Few considerations for identifying the right fit for the project:

Set Expectations for high ambiguity in ML components

ML projects can be plagued with a phenomenon we can call as the “Death by Unknowns”. Unlike software engineering projects, ML focused projects can result in quick success early (aka sudden decrease in error rate), but this may flatten eventually. Few things to consider:

Notebooks != ML Production

Notebooks are a great way to kick start Data Analytics and Applied Machine Learning efforts, however for a production releases, additional constraints should be considered:

Garbage Data In -> Garbage Model Out

Data quality is a major factor in affecting model performance and production roll-out, consider the following:

Plan for Unique Roles in AI projects

An ML Project has multiple stages, and each stage may require additional roles. For example, Design Research & Designers for Human Experience, Data Engineer for Data Collection, Feature Engineering, a Data Labeler for labeling structured data, engineers for MLOps and model deployment and the list can go on. As a TPM, factor in having these resources available at the right time to avoid any schedule risks.

Feature Engineering and Hyperparameter tuning

Feature Engineering enables the transformation of data so that it becomes usable for an algorithm. Creating the right features is an art and may require experimentation as well as domain expertise. Allocate time for domain experts to help with improving and identifying the best features. For example, for a natural language processing engine for text extraction of financial documents, we may involve financial researchers and run a relevance judgment exercise and provide a feedback loop to evaluate model performance.

Responsible AI considerations

Bias in machine learning could be the number one issue of a model not performing to its intended needs. Plan to incorporate Responsible AI principles from Day 1 to ensure fairness, security, privacy and transparency of the models. For example, for a person recognition algorithm, if the data source is only feeding a specific skin type, then production scenarios may not provide good results.

PM Fundamentals

Core to a TPM role are the fundamentals that include bringing clarity to the team, design thinking, driving the team to the right technical decisions, managing risk, managing stakeholders, backlog management, project management. These are a TPM superpowers. A TPM can complement the machine learning team by ensuring the problem and customer needs are understood, a wholistic system design is evaluated, the stakeholder expectations and driving customer objectives. Here are some references that may help: