
This is the playbook for engineering-playbook

Sections of a Working Agreement

A working agreement is a document, or a set of documents that describe how we work together as a team and what our expectations and principles are.

The working agreement created by the team at the beginning of the project, and is stored in the repository so that it is readily available for everyone working on the project.

The following are examples of sections and points that can be part of a working agreement but each team should compose their own, and adjust times, communication channels, branch naming policies etc. to fit their team needs.



Work-life Balance

Quality and not Quantity

Scrum Rhythm

Activity When Duration Who Accountable Goal
Project Standup Tue-Fri 9AM 15 min Everyone Process Lead What has been accomplished, next steps, blockers
Sprint Demo Monday 9AM 1 hour Everyone Dev Lead Present work done and sign off on user story completion
Sprint Retro Monday 10AM 1 hour Everyone Process Lead Dev Teams shares learnings and what can be improved
Sprint Planning Monday 11AM 1 hour Everyone PO Size and plan user stories for the sprint
Task Creation After Sprint Planning - Dev Team Dev Lead Create tasks to clarify and determine velocity
Backlog refinement Wednesday 2PM 1 hour Dev Lead, PO PO Prepare for next sprint and ensure that stories are ready for next sprint.

Process Lead

The Process Lead is responsible for leading any scrum or agile practices to enable the project to move forward.

Backlog Management

Code Management